Afrika Tikkun Services is a business enabling young people to become economically empowered by offering learnerships, training and recruitment services. We also aim to create spaces for inspiration, motivation and personal development. We understand that the current circumstances of COVID-19 lockdown may have you feeling anxious during this period, and it is completely natural to feel like that. Wanting to move around and connect with our friends are natural impulses.
But you can and will get through this difficult time. These wellness tips can help keep your spirits up:
- Try not to worry about things that are out of your control
- Limit media influence
- Get some fresh air even as you comply with the lockdown measures
- Stay connected and reach out virtually or by phone if you need support
- Stay present and don’t stress about the future
- Practice self-care

Afrika Tikkun Services, as an organisation committed to supporting you on your career development journey, we would like to make sure you are using this downtime period as an opportunity to improve and polish up your CV.
Here are some online resources that can assist you. This downtime is a perfect opportunity to improve your chances of future employment. These online resources can assist:
www.cvmkr.com (use free version)
For more info on employability solutions click below and follow us on social media: