Press Releases

Empowering local Kariega youth to build a sustainable future

VOLKSWAGEN Group South Africa (VWSA) regards youth empowerment as a key imperative in building a sustainable future. VWSA human resources director, Russell Coleman, said the company understands the challenges the South African youth are facing and is committed to developing youth and providing them with skills that improve their employability. “I believe if youth is

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Investment in job-creating industries needed to curb unemployment

BUSINESS NEWS – After the latest unemployment statistics were released last week, it has become more important than ever to invest in job-creating industries to curb unemployment. According to Statistic SA, the number of employed people increased by 258 000 to 16.2 million in the first quarter compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. The

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Living life as an unemployed young person in South Africa

Faced with unemployment young people are resorting to sex work and engaging in transactional relationships, which at times leave them vulnerable to gender-based violence, or the acquisition of life-threatening STIs, some turn to crime to survive, while others seek comfort in the abuse of alcohol and substances to escape the harsh reality of living as

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SA youth unemployment at national crisis levels

AS SOUTH Africa commemorated Workers’ Day on Monday, youth-focused organisations highlighted how the country’s young people are struggling to secure jobs. They also highlighted the importance of support skills development and placement initiatives, as well as entrepreneurship. Young people aged 15-24 and 25-34 are the most vulnerable in the South African labour market today, with

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SA’s greylisting and load shedding bane will also affect job creation

South Africa’s greylisting by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog, would stifle the country’s ability to do business globally, especially with EU members, says Youth Employment Service (YES) CEO Ravi Naidoo. YES is a business-led collaboration that seeks groundbreaking ways, through innovation and technological best practice, to

SA’s greylisting and load shedding bane will also affect job creation Read More »

The Year Of Youth-Based Tech-Start-Ups, Says Skills Development Agency

Growth towards a tech-led economy in South Africa (SA) means young people can expect more business opportunities in tech than ever before in 2023. This is according to a leading skills development and placement agency empowering young people with skills fit for the future. This challenging new epoch brings with it opportunities that can only

The Year Of Youth-Based Tech-Start-Ups, Says Skills Development Agency Read More »

Slow progress in youth digital skills development stalls progress in SA

Rasebotsa’s optimism and can-do attitude are contagious. He cites “empty pockets” as the inspiration to start his takkie-cleaning business. He learnt how to wash takkies properly by watching YouTube videos, and now he cleans takkies better than his customers ever could — and makes money from doing so. Rasebotsa also has other side hustles, selling

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